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This assessment is a quick and dirty holistic exercise with a goal to sensitize the user with regard to the main requirements linked to the establishment of an effective and sustainable system for monitoring the 2030 Agenda. It is in no case an objective and comprehensive evaluation of the results of the country’s efforts deployed for monitoring the SDGs.


Questionnaire/ Assessment

Data challenge of the Agenda 2030

Steering Process 1 – Policy and Institutional Environment

  1. Is the achievement of the SDGs a central objective of the National Development Plan /National Sustainability Report (main national development policy document)? (SDGs in the preamble, number of citations in the text …)
  2. The national SDG priorities are clearly defined (Goals and targets) in the national development plan or similar document
  3. There is a national coordination mechanism in place to steer and/or to report on the nationally adopted SDG priorities
  4. The civil society is included in the national adoption of the SDGs
  5. The private sector is included in the national adoption of the SDGs
  6. There is a national SDG monitoring structure / system in place
  7. Civil society representatives are part of the national SDG monitoring structure / system
  8. Private sector representatives are part of the national SDG monitoring structure / system
  9. Are there policies and regulations in place that regulate data collection, data dissemination and use as well as roles and responsibilities within the statistical sector?
  10. Do the designated institutions fulfil their roles and responsibilities with regards to data production, data dissemination & usage?
  11. Are there any SDG focal points in government bodies nominated for the SDG monitoring system?
  12. Are there any (technical) committees been set up to deal with the SDG monitoring system?
  13. Is the civil society involved in the SDG monitoring system?
  14. Is the private sector involved in the SDG monitoring system?
  15. Are there any Work programmes (e.g. calendar of reports) agreed upon for the SDG monitoring system
  16. Are any rules and responsibilities (e.g.documentation, reporting and evaluation) agreed upon among the partners involved in the SDG monitoring system?

Steering Process 2 – Financing for Development Data

  1. A detailed assessment of the resources needed for regularly SDG monitoring has been done
  2. Adequate resources are allocated to the data production for the SDG indicators (NSI budget, budget for other data producers)
  3. Adequate resources are allocated to the data dissemination of the SDGs indicators and for information on the SDGs monitoring, analysis and reporting process (NSI budget if responsible for the platform)
  4. Resources from the private sector and/or the civil society are mobilised to contribute to the SDGs monitoring system
  5. Funding and/or technical support from external donors has been secured for the SDGs monitoring system

Steering Process 3 – Quality and Standards/ Legal Framework

  1. There are government organisations that are applying the EFQM standards (EFQM reports)
  2. The Statistical Office is applying international standards (e.g.the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM)) in its operations (NSI technical quality assessment)

Core Process 2 – Coordination

  1. Are there any coordination mechanisms explicitly addressed in any (legal) documents covering the national SD monitoring system?
  2. Which working level is involved in these coordination mechanisms?
  3. Regularity of coordination on the production/dissemination of data for SDG indicators within the Statistical Office (among sectors)
  4. Regularity of the coordination on the production/dissemination of data for SDG indicators within the Statistical System (all data producers and users)
  5. Are local entities (state, municipality, city) involved in the SDG monitoring system?
  6. Is there any regional coordination via a regional body (Union, Commission, etc.) or directly with neighbouring countries?

Core Process 3 – Data production and dissemination

  1. Is there a national platform established and regularly maintained for the dissemination of the national SDG indicators?
  2. What is the proportion of Tier I SDG indicators with regular data production (at least five years old) ?
  3. Has a data gap assessment been made?
  4. Are methodologies and meta-data accessible for the users on the SDG platform or on any other consolidated platform? (NSI reports and national platform)

Core Process 4 – Data utilisation and analysis

  1. Is there a regular annual report on the SDGs prepared by the Government?
  2. Is this report discussed in the media (radio, tv, newspaper, social media)?
  3. Is there any annual communication of the Government to the Parliament on the SDGs and the progress made in their achievements?
  4. Are there any alternative national reports prepared by non-government organisations on the progress made in the achievements of the SDGs?
  5. Are there any research papers on the SDGs published by academics or research centres?
  6. Are there any SDG data visualization products such as infographics or other visual animations?
  7. There is an on-line portal on the NSI’s website to post comments, questions and remarks on the SDG data and methods.

Supporting Process 1 – Voluntary National Review (VNR)

  1. Has a VNR already been prepared?
  2. Was there a statistical annex to the VNR?
  3. Do the national SDG indicators comply with the global indicator framework?
  4. Are thematic SDG reports produced? (By Government or any other stakeholder)
  5. Was the VNR preparatory process inclusive by involving other stakeholders?
  6. Was there any information provided after the HLPF on what the country has reported?

Supporting Process 2 – Capacity development

  1. Were capacity development needs and answers included into the National Development Plan? (National SDG Plan)
  2. Did each government organisation involved in the national SDG monitoring system assess its needs for capacity development? (National SDG report)
  3. Did each government organisation involved in the national SDG monitoring system prepare a plan for capacity development? (National SDG report)
  4. Did each government organisation involved in the national SDG monitoring system implement their respective plans for capacity development? (National SDG report)
  5. Training and train-the-trainer courses are delivered to all stakeholders involved in the SDG monitoring process on key issues, such as leadership and management, coordination- and information management, Quality and impact assessment
  6. Training and train-the-trainer courses are delivered to all stakeholders involved in the SDG monitoring process on key issues such as use of administrative data, use of open/big data, data bases, data archiving and storage, data mining, data validation, data security, data dissemination
  7. Training and train-the-trainer courses are delivered to all stakeholders involved in the SDG monitoring process on key issues such as data transfer, data release, data visualisation, data analysis, conduct of multi-disciplinary research work

Supporting Process 3 – Digitalisation

  1. Is there a national plan for developing digital capacities?
  2. The national SDG monitoring system is managed and updated through a collaborative and inclusive digital system/approach (SDG platform)
  3. The national SDG monitoring system uses new data and new technologies

Supporting Process 4 – Communication and Awareness Raising

  1. Is there a national communication plan regarding the SDGs, their integration in the National development plan and their monitoring?
  2. Are there any subnational (state/County/city) communication plans regarding the SDGs and their monitoring?
  3. Is there any specific coordination mechanism with media to discuss the development of the SDG monitoring system and the results achieved?